Pendants may be of many GemStones. Morganite was named after the banker J.P. Morgan of Chase Manhattan Bank in New York.
Jasper is derived from the Greek for "spotted stone". It is usually considered a chalcedony, but put by scientists in a group by itself because of its grainy structure. The finely grained, dense jasper contains up to twenty percent foreign materials that determine its color, streak and appearance. Uniform jasper is rare.
It usually is multicolored, striped spotted or flamed.
Remember these prices are delivered to you. No shipping or other charges to you.
Dale Cougar Armstrong has done work for some of my girls, see her site:
We like her work so well I have had her personaly teach me how to create such beauty.
Some of my own settings will come in the future. (Fall of 2010)
Pendant is actual size. | Lapis Lazuli
Waters in the Firmament
Genesis 1 | $100 |
50.50 Carats of Alexandrite Czochralski on a Silver Pendant Although alexandrite is a relatively young gemstone, it certainly has a noble history. This Gem Pendant changes from pink to Purple in different light. It inevitably became the national stone of tsarist Russia. Beautiful alexandrite in top quality, however, is very rare indeed and hardly ever used in modern jewellery. See the Alexandrite's Click here. | Sold | |
54.50 Carats Jasper 10.9 Grams Mosaic Jasper Silver Pendant Jasper was a favourite gem in the ancient world; its name can be traced back in Hebrew, Assyrian, Persian, Greek and Latin. Silver has been wealth for thousands of years. | My girl only. | |
| 51.50 Carats Blue Turquoise Silver Pendant In earlier times, turquoises were even responsible for the material wellbeing of the wearer. The Persian scholar Al-Qazwini, for example, wrote: 'The hand that wears a turquoise and seals with it will never see poverty.' Turquoises were often worn on the turban, and often surrounded with pearls, in order to protect their wearer against the 'evil eye'. As talismans, they adorned daggers, sabres and the bridles of horses. It was not until the time of the crusades that they came to Europe. Indeed it is from that period that the name 'turquoise' originates, meaning 'Turkish'. | $105 |
| 107.50 Carats of Red Coral and Turquoise on a Silver Pendant In South, Central and North America too, the turquoise has always occupied a very special position among gemstones. The Aztecs in Mexico, for example, used to decorate their ceremonial masks with this stone which was holy according to their beliefs. The Indians of North America, who still produce a good deal of traditional silver jewellery with turquoises today, believe that the sky-blue gemstone opens up a direct connection between the sky and the sea. At all times and over the world, turquoises have been worn as natural protection against the powers of darkness. | SOLD |
Actual Size |
Master the Tempest is Raging
Matthew Chapter 14
Chinese Green Jade | Not for sale. My girls wear this one. |
18 x 28 Pink Topaz Large Oval Silver Pendant It is a fluorine aluminium silicate and comes in yellow, yellow-brown, honey-yellow, flax, brown, green, blue, light blue, red and pink like this one. The topaz has been known for at least 2000 years and is one of the gemstones which form the foundations of the twelve gates to the Holy City of the New Jerusalem. Revelation 21:20 | $ 112 | |
| 45 Carats of Lapis lazuli 9.0 Grams Fancy Lapis Cabution Silver Pendant It was among the first gemstones to be worn as jewellery and worked on. At excavations in the ancient centres of culture around the Mediterranean, archaeologists have again and again found among the grave furnishings decorative chains and figures made of lapis lazuli – clear indications that the deep blue stone was already popular thousands of years ago among the people of Mesopotamia, Egypt, Persia, Greece and Rome. It is said that the legendary city of Ur on the Euphrates plied a keen lapis lazuli trade as long ago as the fourth millennium B.C., the material coming to the land of the two great rivers from the famous deposits in Afghanistan. In other cultures, lapis lazuli was regarded as a Holy Stone. | SOLD $128 |
20 x 35mm Abalone Shell Silver Pendant I remember as a boy where we would get Abalone a foot across at Morro Bay California, when we were there, it's really a good shellfish to eat. Divers would come in with boats full. $1 a pound back then, now it is $95 per pound. GOOGLE: Morro Bay Abalone, and enjoy seeing the past. The Chain comes with this. | $ 108 | |
20 X 30mm Teardrop Hot Pink Topaz Silver Pendant It cannot be proved conclusively whether the name of the topaz comes from the Sanskrit or the Greek, though the Greek name 'topazos' means 'green gemstone'. The Romans dedicated the topaz to Jupiter. | $ 109 | |
| If God ever made any Jewel better | No Price Yet |
| The Gem the High Priest of ancient | My High Priest Lapis Not
for |
| 68.53 Remarkable | SOLD |
68 Carat.
Mandrin | $ 1160 | |
69 Carat Topaz Swiss | $ 339 | |
89.60 Carats total. Gem wt. 44.70 Carats Citrine Pendant from Brazil Unheated absolutely natural. IF Hard 7 26.22 x 22.80 x 14.26 Like my own daughtres wear. A man with 6 girls should know a thing about beauty like I do. | $ 1575 | |
![]() |
| $ 680 |
20x30mm Aquamarine | $ 102 | |
![]() | 18X28mm Emerald Quartz Silver Pendant | $ 105 |
![]() | 80.80
Gem in Pendant Pure Citrine Natural as Nature made it. Just cut to shape by a skilled man. 149.95 Carats total Weight.
| $ 1230 |
![]() | Red Sea Coral Necklace 18" | $ 145 |
Huge 152.55 Carats Pear Checkered Cut Citrine.
done. IF Just as
it | $1800 | |
65 Carat Silver Pendant Mandarin Orange Citrine Now you know where its from, smart you. Comes with neckpiece. | $ 981 | |
![]() | 20x30mm Morganite Silver Pendant Although this gemstone came into being millions of years ago, it has only been known by the name of morganite for less than a hundred years. To be precise, in fact, since 1911, And so it was that in 1911, on the suggestion of the New York gemmologist G. F. Kunz. In honour of the very rich banker and mineral collector John Pierpont Morgan, it was given the name under which it is known today: morganite. Some rich folks wear morganite. | $ 106 |
![]() | The Road To Chaos Rosetta stone Jasper 39 X 18mm | $ 88 |
Pendant is Actual Size | Moonlight on A Calm Sea Agate Dimension 48 x 48 Appearance transparent to opaque Color Red Green Yellow black white | $ 125 |
![]() | 39 Carats of Turquoise on 7.8 GramsTotal Silver Pendant This gemstone has been esteemed for thousands of years as a holy stone, a bringer of good fortune or a talisman. It really does have the right to be called a 'gemstone of the peoples'. The oldest evidence for this claim was found in Egypt, where grave furnishings with turquoise inlay were discovered, dating from approximately 3000 B.C. In the ancient Persian kingdom, the sky-blue gemstones were earlier worn round the neck or wrist as protection against unnatural death. | $ 109 |
![]() | 18 x 28mm Blue Topaz | $ 110 |
![]() | 148 Carats of Beautiful Citrine with a Gold Bar and Flower 35 X 32.4 X 21.1 Orange Heart Cut from a deep hole in Brazil. With Choker or Chain. | $ 1288 |